t stuff that 'iloveyou' can't say
Sunday, March 25, 2007
23. God loves me.
the end of the workweek.... ahhhhhhh.

but before i kick my shoes off, i just wanna remind you of an exciting event that transpired last night. huh, huh? remember that? *inggit*

just you wait when i'm not tired and all is clear. i'd do the same, too! and you can't do anything else but watch. wait. that's something you wanna do as well, right? watch? hahaha. the power of visual stimulation. that's why we are in marketing, love! it has its merits. and we both know how to use our assets. hahaha.

as i said earlier, the end of the workweek. let me fall on the couch, nestea plunge style and sleep.

hmmm. i can't sleep. tomorrow is an exciting day for me. for you as well.

NOIM day!!!! woohoo!

God is good. he snaps his fingers and everything is falling into place.

who would have thought that tita andnick would shout me the payment for the NOIM? which means, there won't be a two-week delay anymore. yeyyyyy. and without me asking for it, too. God really knows our hearts' desires.

i am just in awe and amazement. and in praise of his power.

thank you, Lord, again and again.
posted by lei at 11:56 AM | Permalink |