t stuff that 'iloveyou' can't say
Friday, July 28, 2006
an old parchment and a new story

an old parchment

lies in the pavement

soaked by the rain.

it holds a story

of long ago.

the ink runs

down the gutter,

rushing to join

the river of memories.

as the page drifts

and the edge points

to an unexplored street,

he brushes the tip of his pen

against the paper grain,

moves his wrist above it

like a shimmering silk scarf,

and between the fibers

a new tale dances.

posted by lei at 6:21 PM | Permalink | 0 candy sprinkles
Friday, July 21, 2006
without knowing when
without knowing when
i started skipping like a kid

without knowing when
i turned into a sigh
blown to the skies
drank by the stars

without knowing when
a million notes chose my chest
for their music sheet
clink against each other
with my every move

for no reason
and for every reason in existence
i begin to ceaselessly
to ceaselessly
and love

and when i dance
i melt into the truth
i am.

and without knowing when
my forever has begun.
posted by lei at 4:30 PM | Permalink | 0 candy sprinkles
Monday, July 17, 2006
Harakiri : Bushido

This second that you chose to plant the sword of your retreat is one with you. Your execution has ripened, your breath is with the spirits, your end--- winds me back to the beginning.

The stage has been set.

While you're down with eyes shut, I, on a stance above you is gathering all of being a man for a final motion.

The perfume that clings to your kimono dances to the rhythm of the wind that hums like a last reverberation of a drum for a death march. But the silent whispers of my sword is more defeaning than what is heard.

Your fate on my faith on you.

And so the sword sings rebirth as i pull it from the sheath. Staccato to the point of surrender--- your heart; that cries of piercing. Undressing every doubt, pushing all the courage, sweating every tear, firm on the aim I keenly wait for your commence.

And you commend.

Plunge to the skin of eternity. Gush of your rain on the painting of a nightsky on the sheets. Exhale. Soar from what is human.

And i, with your completion, shatter to a thousand lights... and melt to petals of cherry blossoms and be blown to the heavens.

I raptured for you, with you, free at last.

posted by ciggy at 2:41 PM | Permalink | 2 candy sprinkles
harakiri : seppuku
the stage has been set for my surrender. everything is perfect. my lithe body is draped with my best garb --- a silk kimono weaved from threads of acceptance, sleeve adorned with my heart --- that shall be but a memory after the act.

the carpet upon which i shall fall is immaculate and creaseless and shall later on be stained with the glistening tears of the midnight sky on my head. on the heartbeats of my skin, i splashed the essence of gardens, so that i will be remembered as a hint of fragrance with the whispers of the wind.

the sword that shall penetrate, which you have provided, lies mutely but vigilantly, waiting for its moment.

and this, this is my death poem.

there is no other way but to go through this. the call to cede gets unbearably defeaning the more i deny my inevitable submission. and my tongue-tied feet forbid me to run away.

so i accept my fate.

i have come face to face with the mortality of my defenses, and i recognize defeat. there is no other option but to succumb, for me to gain my freedom. all the hurting ends today. and so shall all the pains of the past dissolve into ripples of pleasure once i give in to this destiny.

i chose you to be my second. or, mayhap, fortune chose you to bring me down.

and down i am. for i have been conquered --- emotion; intellect; and today, constitution.

i am prepared for this act. baring all, i stand naked, begging for liberation. my lips are gasping, gulping pockets of air, for i know that when that moment comes, my breath shall be taken away. i close my eyes to hide everything else; darkness magnifies sensations, and i need to embrace this experience. fiery passion is curdling, rushing through my veins, fueled by my desire to have you acknowledge my absolute surrender and spare me the intense anxiety of beseeching for absolution.

my quiver trembles in anticipation of the impassioned piercing, ready to take the pain-pleasure that shall release my spirit and grant me the gift of rebirth.

as i spread myself to receive my fate, you tenderly drew your glistening sword. and in one swift hush, the blade plunged.

and i fell, for you, with you, free at last.
posted by lei at 1:58 PM | Permalink | 0 candy sprinkles
Thursday, July 13, 2006
of how much i miss you
-i long for you
like gasps of air
in an enclosed space
while in a fetish fit

-i am getting gone without you
like writing on a paper
little by little
erased by fire
my blood turns black
by every half of a second

-i am unmoved as you take steps
the brown circle of a cloud
on my face, tells me that
like a tear
you have drifted from the embrace
of my eye

*this pen should stop running on paper
because it should write
of you and me
posted by ciggy at 4:55 PM | Permalink | 0 candy sprinkles
dainty little tongues
that lick off the
salty rain on the smooth earth;

graceful vines
that wrap around the
supple pillar, tight, supporting;

tender mists
that lovingly blanket the
pointed peaks of the mountains;

strong branches
that bear sumptuous fruits
served on the dinner table;

an inviting hammock
that enticingly lures the
weary traveller to rest;


so gorgeous
are his hands.
posted by lei at 2:52 PM | Permalink | 0 candy sprinkles
Tuesday, July 04, 2006
a princess in tatters
i am wearing literary clothes
trimmed with the hope
of revealing the joy
that is wrapped around me

hugging me is a shawl of letters
laced with the desire
to showcase the faith
that is upon my shoulders

my neck is adorned with a chain of conjunctions
bejeweled with the expectation
of linking the moments
that would build my tomorrows

under my feet are shoes of periods
dotted with the fear
of having the tests of life
curtail this dream

my words fail to clothe me,
for the poverty of language
dresses me in rags
and my feet are bare.

so i utter
'i love you'

this is my crown.
posted by lei at 1:33 PM | Permalink | 1 candy sprinkles